Statement on Readers

Motus Theater works with leaders on the frontlines of violence in the U.S. to write and perform autobiographical stories. These leaders often present their own stories on stage at Motus Monologue performances in the UndocuAmerica series with undocumented leaders, and the JustUs series with formerly incarcerated leaders

Motus Theater also presents what we call “Shoebox Stories” performances where we ask people - often in positions of power who are already making decisions impacting marginalized, misrepresented, or underrepresented people - to stand in the shoes of a Motus monologist and read their story aloud. These strategic performances are meant to challenge dominant culture people to decenter themselves, and instead make central the experience of a person on the frontlines of violence in America. 

These performances are critical because the stories we hold close are the ones that are most likely to impact how we vote, how we act and who we respect. Reading aloud a story in a performative structure built on respect can transform allegiances away from patterns of systemic oppression. For example, Motus presented a performance with law enforcement leaders in Boulder County reading the stories of DREAMers. This performance directly resulted in Boulder County law enforcement changing their policies affecting people who are undocumented. This is the power of strategic guest reader performances. 

Motus Theater strategies are developed in collaboration with our monologists. Motus’  undocumented and formerly incarcerated monologists decide how they want their stories shared, and any monologist who does not want their story read aloud by someone else, for whatever reason, has that option. To date, only one of the 17 monologists have made that choice.

Additionally, our Motus Monologists* spend time with their readers prior to each performance, further establishing a connection and supporting dominant culture leaders in becoming better ambassadors to their neighbors, constituents and communities. Evaluations for Shoebox Stories performances are conducted to ensure they are both impactful for the readers and healing for the monologists.


Motus’ mission is to create original theater to facilitate dialogue on critical issues of our time. We use the power of art to build alliances across diverse segments of our community and country. Since our founding, 94% of Motus artists have been people of color (POC). Depending on the featured language in performances, our audience demographic ranges from 18%-51% POC. 50% of Motus’ board and 90% of our advisors are POC.

*Women of Resolution is not an autobiographical monologue production.